Understanding Acute Gastroenteritis in Infants and Young Children

TSMH | Pediatric Series | Understanding Acute Gastroenteritis in Infants and Young Children | date:2023-01/01

What is Acute Gastroenteritis in Infants and Young Children:

Gastroenteritis is one of the common diseases in infants and young children. It is mainly caused by bacterial or viral infection. In bacterial gastroenteritis, the most common infections are salmonella and Escherichia coli. In viral gastroenteritis, rotavirus infection is the most common, which prevails in autumn and winter, while other viruses such as adenovirus and norovirus are also common. The course of the disease usually takes about a week to naturally relieve, but in more severe cases, symptoms may last up to two weeks. It is important to be aware of complications such as bloody or mucus stools, intestinal perforation, or peritonitis.

Clinical Symptoms:

Typical symptoms are vomiting or diarrhea, often accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, bloating or loss of appetite. Mild cases can recover in a few days, while severe cases can cause dehydration, hypoglycemia, electrolyte imbalances, and a small percentage may lead to life-threatening complications such as intestinal obstruction, seizures, or sepsis.

Warning signs:

▲ Warning signs

The appearance of these danger signals can easily lead to complications such as bowel obstruction, intestinal perforation, sepsis, meningitis, etc., and requires special attention.

Care methods:

▲ Caregivers should pay attention to hand hygiene for both themselves and the sick child

Dietary guidance:

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