About Us
Back in the 90’ s, founder Mr. Tian-Sheng, Sue saw the difficulty in obtaining medical services for local population of Southern Pingtung and felt a hospital was badly needed in the area. He asked his son, Dr. Ching-Chyuan Su, to leave his medical practice in Taipeiand instead come home to serve the local people. Dr. Ching-Chyuan Su started Antai as a small local hospital. And thus, Antai hospital was inaugurated in Oct 1992. In 2007, Hospital healthcare structure reformed to become a medical care corporation with the name changed into “Antai Medical Care Corporation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital (TSMH)”.
Through years of hospital-wide collaborative efforts, TSMH expanded services by recruiting more specialty doctors and purchasing state of the art hospital equipment to provide better medical services for the people we are serving. TSMH accredited by the Health Department as a Regional Teaching Hospital in 2000. Department of Laboratory Medicine achieved Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) ISO15189 Accreditation in 2007. In addition, In 2010, TSMH underwent evaluation for national accreditation by the Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA) and scored high marks in all the tests for the certification. Now TSMH boasts achievements such as 24-hour EmergencyCenter , DialysisCenter , CancerCenter , CardiovascularCareCenter , HealthExaminationCenter , ChildDevelopmentalEvaluationCenter , StrokeCenter , and TraumaCenter.
In response to the growth of the TSMH medical system, plans for the establishment of a mutual support system have already been made. Mutual administrative support and shared information can have a synergistic effect so that the medical care system can achieve better allocation of resources and capabilities. In addition, in order to facilitate the branches in focusing on its featured medical care and research development, the SouthPingtungMainHospitalwill play a coordinating role by allocating and dispatching personnel, making the TSMH medical system have more solid training and better use of talent and in turn exploring new capabilities from these undertakings. Tomorrow’s foundation comes from today’s hard work. In order to achieve the ideal goal, TSMH will continue to improve its operation and management system, create a quality environment for medical education and develop new prospects for long-term care and innovative medical care services.
Message from the Honorary
Present As early as the 1990s, my father, Tian-Sheng, saw that it was difficulty for local people in Southern Pingtung to seek medical treatment, and felt that it was necessary to build a hospital to provide urgently needed medical services to the people. He asked me to leave my medical practice in Taipei and go home to serve the locas. With three colleagues from my medical residency, I left Taipei and started Antai hospital, a small local hospital, in Oct 1992.
Over the years, we have expanded our services by recruiting more specialty doctors and purchasing the most advanced equipment to provide better medical care to the people we are serving. Since then, our hospital has passed several strict government accreditations and is now recognized as an outstanding multi-specialty regional teaching hospital. In 1997, in line with policies, it was officially restructured as a medical foundation. In 1998, it obtained accreditation as a health promotion hospital. In 1999, it was recognized as an excellent hospital among the new teaching hospital system. In 2000, it was rated as an outstanding hospital in the new hospital system, and also received the Health Examination Quality Certification from the Health Promotion Administration.
We continue to expand and are currently planning a satellite long-term care facility, which includes the nursing homes. We are committed to provide the best care every day to every patient in the Southern Pingtung area and beyond.
- Honorary Present
Ching Chyuan Su, MD; PhD
Ph.D., Doctor of Medical Science, Chung Shan Medical University
- Superintendent
Tsung-chang Tsai, MD; PhD
Bachelor of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center
Master of Healthcare Administration, Kaohsiung Medical University
Doctorate, National Sun Yat-sen University